Explore your business' innovation and internationalisation potential by accessing our innovation expertise at the Innovate2Succeed Taster Workshop
About the Innovate2Suceed programme
There is a hard fact that over 50% of new products and services getting launched into a new market fail each year.
The lack of innovation and knowledge in the process is the factor that leads to the market entry fail of products and services. Innovation plays a fundamental role in a company’s growth nationally and internationally.
Innovation2Succeed Programme is funded and delivered by Enterprise Europe Network. It consists of free workshops where your business will have a dedicated innovation specialist from Innovate UK to take you through stages of an innovation process. This programme is aimed to help your business achieve cost reduction and product value maximisation in international markets. It is not neccessarily scientific breakthrough or significant technological alterations. It's about providing the tools and expertise as well as establishing the culture of innovation for your business which can be an optimisation in production or using a piece of technology to help optimise the product or service and minimise cost.
I2S Programme Agenda
The second cohort of I2S Programme 2020 starting in May 2020 will consist of 3 practical workshops (28th May, 30th June and 24th September) aiming at:
- Looking at the market characteristics and audience insights to define the potential target audience for your product and service
- Establishing an innovation process that's tailored to your products and services to respond to the target audience and maximise the commercial value of your products/services
- Designing an action plan on new solution development as well as attracting invesment, exploiting potential Intellectual Property, attracting the right talent to help deliver the innovation process for your business
- Developing a compelling value proposition and sustainable business model
- Formulate a marketing and sales plan to successfully take your products or services into the market
Each business in the programme will be supported by a dedicated Innovation Specialist for up to 9 days and supported by experts across different areas from public and private organisations to ensure they achieve their set objectives.
Companies may also be eligible for a heavily subsidised IP audit and take part in mentoring, innovation and commercial visits to specific markets. The workshops and up to 9 days of advisory support from the Innovation specialist are fully funded by Innovate UK and the European Commission. Workshops are compulsory to attend to get the full benefit of the programme.
About the Taster Workshop
Time and Date:
8:30 - 10:30 am
Clippers Quay, Salford Quays M50 3SN
This taster session is about your business experiencing the I2S Programme at a glance. This will provide a space for you to explore your business' potential to innovate and internationalise. You will also have th chance to be chosen for the second cohort of I2S Programme in May and benefit from it. It will also provide a networking opportunity to meet like-minded businesses within the North West.
The workshop is delivered by an industry specialist, who will share cutting-edge insights into the interconnected world of innovation and commercialisation and guide the participants through the different blocks of the I2S programme using their own innovative projects - innovation culture, internationalisation strategy, product development. This will ensure participants can assess the suitability of this programme and the positive impact it may have on their business. Key sectors:
- Artificial Intelligence
- Robotics
- Immersive Tech - IoT - Audience of the Future
- Urban living - Smart cities
- Manufacturing
- Circular Economy
- Agritech Smart Energy - Renewable energy
- Others
Therefore, if you think your business can benefit from getting innovative and accessing our tools and innovation expertise, register your place now at the Taster Workshop and explore your innovation and internationalisation potential.